Presentation Abstract Guidelines
25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting
San Diego, CA. August 25th – 29th, 2024
Abstract Submission
If your presentation ties in with other presentations, please indicate which ones they are and which order is preferred. Working language of this conference will be English. Please limit your abstracts to one page. Please submit your abstract in Adobe PDF format.
We ask that you use the following as a guideline for your abstract:
Download Abstract format for guidelines and reference
- Abstract title
- Abstract authors and affiliation(s)
- Abstract text
- Preferred method of presentation (oral or poster)
- Name, email address, telephone number of presenter
Abstract must be emailed to Carolyn Isherwood no later than May 8th, 2024.
Oral Presentations
All oral sessions will be equipped with LCD projector, Laptop, wireless lapel microphone, laser pointer, and remote for advancing the slides. Presentations must be in pdf format. A 4:3 aspect ratio is highly recommended for audience resolution.
Time Allocations
All Oral Talks 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion unless otherwise coordinated with conference organizers
Loading and Previewing Talks
Each presentation must be submitted no later than August 7, 2024. Abstract submission form coming soon.
These guidelines will ensure sessions run smoothly. Please note that session chairs will be instructed that session time lost due to technical difficulties from not following the above guidelines will be subtracted from the presenter's allocated time.
Poster Presentations
Poster Sessions will be held in the main conference room. Each poster will be assigned a number and allocated a location to place the poster. Please check the poster list that will be available at the meeting for the final assignments.
Size and Mounting
Each presenter in the poster session should bring a poster measuring 36" height x 48" width and print the poster before attending the conference. Supplies will be provided for your use to secure posters to the poster boards.
Mounting and Tear-Down
Posters may be mounted any time during the day of your poster session, but no later than 30 minutes prior to the opening of each session. Please remove your poster after the close of session.
Poster Session I
Monday, August 26, 2024 3:20pm – 5:00pm
Poster Session II
Tuesday, August 27,2024 3:20pm – 5:00pm
It is important that you remove your poster at the end of your poster session. Posters left on the boards will not be saved.
General Atomics will be posting the PDFs of the presentations on the Target Fabrication website.