25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting

San Diego, CA. August 25th – 29th, 2024

General Atomics welcomes your participation at the 25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA, August 25-29, 2024.

This is an extremely exciting time with the achievement of laboratory-scale thermonuclear fusion, while also a very challenging time with the need to consistently achieve ignition with ever-increasing gain. The meeting topics discussed will cover a diverse range of subjects that comprise all aspects of fabricating targets for experiments on high-power, high-energy laser and ion facilities. The main topics at the meeting include but are not limited to:

  • Ignition Targets and achieving ignition
  • Cryogenic Targets
  • Component development, fabrication, assembly, and metrology
  • Handling systems
  • Layer formation and characterization
  • Capsule fabrication and properties
  • High-energy-density targets, including materials development and processing
  • Materials development and metrology
  • Mass production of targets for IFE

A continued tradition of the meeting will be to present the Larry Foreman Award to an individual who has made a substantive contribution toward innovation and excellence in target fabrication.

Plenary presentations will be used to introduce the topics of each session. The remaining presentations will be contributed papers. Oral presentations will be augmented by poster presentations. All sessions will be held during normal business hours leaving the evenings free.


We must receive your oral presentations in PowerPoint format by close of business Wednesday, August 7th, 2024. All presentations will be uploaded to the conference computer in advance of the conference. All Oral Talks 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion unless otherwise coordinated with conference organizers. Posters should be standard size: 36" height x 48" width (Note: Poster panels are: 48" height x 70" width). All presentations must be unclassified.

Contributed Abstracts

Contributed abstracts are due by Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, and the final agenda will be posted on the conference website by May 31st, 2024. The working language of this conference will be English.

25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting Sponsors
Blue Laser Fusion
Chardon Tool
Sutter Instrument