Conference Presentations

25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting

San Diego, CA. August 25th – 29th, 2024


Below are the presentations shared during the conference

02_Rawls, J_The Historic 25th Target Fabrication Specialists Meeting_Oral
03_Hurricane, O_How We Got Thermonuclear Fusion, Without Fission
04_Brunton, G_Technology Advancements Enabling Fusion Ignition on the National Ignition Facility
05_Stadermann, M_Target Fabrication after Ignition
06_Huang, H_Capsule Metrology_Oral_2024-08-01
07_Regan, S_Laser -Direct-Drive (LDD) Experiments on OMEGA Contributing to Ignition
08_Thomas, C_Prospectus on Inertial Fusion Energy
09_Spencer, A_Current and Future Capabilities in Target Fabrications
10_Bernigaud, V_Progress and Perspectives in LMJ Target Fabrication
11_Ratledge, M_Overview of HDC Capsule Processing_Oral_v5
12_Nikroo, A_Target_Fabrication_Specialists_Meeting_2024_final
13_ Mauldin, M Overview of GA Component Fabrication
14_Winters, S_Target Engineering post Ignition_Talk
15_Crippen, J_The Advancement of a Cationic Capsule Fill Tube Assembly for The National Ignition Facility_4x3_FINAL
16_Baxamusa, S_Improvements to high density carbon capsule_talk
17_Shuldberg, C_Overview of Capsule Fabrication for Direct Drive at General Atomics_Oral
18_Hayes, S_Improvement of Capsule Mode 1 through Experimentally Enhanced Monte Carlo Modeling
19_Biener, J_Correlation of Macroscopic and Microscopic Properties of Tungsten Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Coatings_Talk
20_Allen, A_Effects_of_Pyrolysis_on_GDP_Oral
21_Valois, P_Spherical polyalphamethylstyrene (PAMS) mandrels synthesis improvements 
22_Lapa, P_4PI Wall Thickness Measurements_Oral
23_Forien, JB_Tender X-ray tomography at the Advanced Light Source 
24_Patterson, B_Target Metrology_T-Fab 2024
25_Santana, R_Development_of_Soft_XRay_Metrology_Equipment_for_XRay_Opacity_Database_Revision_Oral
26_Sequoia, K_Digital Holographic Surface Metrology for HED Capsules_Oral
27_Jestine, J_Characterisation Capabilities of Target Fabrication at Orion
28_Schmidt, D_LANL Overview 25th Target Fab Specialist Aug2024
29_Paguio, R_Target Production in Support of Z Pulsed Power Experiments
30_Christiansen, N_Double Shell Development Emphasis Fill Tube Assemblies
31_Aghaian, L_Overview of Hohlraum Fabrication at General Atomics_Oral
32_Khieu, S_Developments of Gold Boron Thin Liner for LMJ Hohlraum
33_Nijem, N_TF Conf. Presentation 2024 Final
34_Day, T_Manufacturing and Characterization Techniques for Double Cylinder Experiments at the National Ignition Facility
35_Haid, A_Advances in 2 Photon Polymerization for Target Fabrication at General Atomics_Oral
36_Williams, J_Fabrication of Robust Pure Metal Aerogels From the Plasma Phase_Oral
37_Fears, T_Ultra-Low-Density Metal Aerogels in Emerging Target Designs
38_Ulrich, L_Micro CT Applications in Fabrication of ICF Targets
39_Goyon, C_STARFIRE Building towards inertial fusion energy with multi-institution collaboration
40_Obenschain, S_ Direct laser drive approach that enables sub-megajoule IFE targets 
41_Christopherson, A_Multi-MJ Target Designs for Inertial Fusion Energy
42_Alexander, N_Wetted foam target production for Inertial Fusion Energy_Oral
43_Tolley, M_UPLiFT UK Targetry Strategy for IFE
44_Anthamatten, M_Engineering of Thiol-Michael Resins for Two-Photon Printing
45_Kucheyev, S_Boron Carbide Coatings for Internal Confinement Fusion Ablators
46_Lu, Y_Two-photon polymerization and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy for developing fusion targets 
47.0_Moestopo, W_ Fully additively manufactured wetted foam capsule for inertial confinement fusion
48_Goodelman, D_HighEntropyAlloysForNext-GenerationHohlraums_talk
49_Sunahara, A_Observation of Proton-Boron Fusion Reaction from the Decaborane Target Irradiated by LFEX Laser
50_Xu, H_Double shell and PSS shell development-rev01
51_Horwood, C_Fabrication and Characterization of NIF Lithium Salt Targets 
52_Yamanoi, K_Fabrication of cupper containing deuterated material target for laser plasma diagnostics
53_Quinn, M_Overview of Machine Learning Applications in ICF Capsule Metrology
54_Shin, S_Precision milling of ablator materials with ion beams_talk
55_Collins, G_Tape Drive Target Delivery System Commissioning on GALADRIEL at General Atomics
56_Uphill, T_ Innolite 500 Sinewave Project
57_Bhandarkar, S_Accelerometer-Based in-situ monitoring of HDC Capsule Polishing
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