PERSES™ is a highly effective, environmentally safe commercial system to destroy per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly known as “forever chemicals”. PERSES utilizes our unique industrial Super Critical Water Oxidation (iSCWO) technology to destroy PFAS waste and PFAS waste contaminated with other hazardous organic waste with 99.99% or greater efficiency.
Unlike other available processes which destroy some PFAS materials, our PERSES system destroys concentrated PFAS waste directly from a source (e.g., Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)) as well as PFAS waste containing other co-contaminants (e.g., carbon tetrachloride, solvents, etc.). Whether the waste is from a reverse osmosis system, biomass or leachate effluent, or contained in resin beads or granulated activated carbon, PERSES can quickly and effectively destroy all PFAS and contaminants present in the waste without any issues or post treatment requirements.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a report (EPA/600/R-22/257) documenting test results verifying iSCWO technology’s effectiveness in the destruction of PFAS/Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), with test results achieving greater than 99.99% destruction efficiency. This is first-ever test documenting the successful use of a commercial industrial SCWO system for the destruction of PFAS.
Less effective destruction or removal options such as incineration, deep well injection, storage, and landfill disposal all have high emission rates, post treatment requirements, and permitting and infrastructure challenges which have a continuing negative impact on the environment and the health of our communities.
PERSES destroys hazardous and non-hazardous organic waste with a 99.99% or greater efficiency, with no contaminants remaining to negatively impact the environment. The PERSES waste destruction process results in the breakdown of waste into benign byproducts including carbon dioxide, water, and salts, all of which can be safely released into existing treatment works, into the environment, or reused for other industrial purposes.
The PERSES advantage includes:
PERSES makes use of the unique properties of water at conditions above its thermodynamic critical point, which is at a pressure of 3206 psi and 374⁰ C. PERSES operates at 4000 psi and 650⁰ C to ensure high destruction efficiency of organic materials. Under these conditions, organic materials, oxidation reactants, and oxidation products are rendered miscible in water, allowing complete oxidation to take place at a high rate.
Our commercial PERSES systems have been out of the lab and in the field since 2012, destroying pumpable hazardous and non-hazardous organic waste for customers at an industrial scale.
PERSES is a proven, mature technology at the highest Technology Readiness Levels (TRL 8 and TRL 9 depending on the waste). TRL is an accepted industry and government metric-based process which involves nine technology readiness levels to progressively evaluate the maturity of a technology from concept (TRL1) through successful use in operational conditions (TRL 9).
PERSES has been tested and proven to safely and effectively destroy:
PERSES waste destruction systems are available for installation today to help communities implement a safe, effective, and complete process for the destruction of PFAS and a broad range of other waste streams.
We work closely with our customers to evaluate their waste destruction requirements. To get started, we provide waste testing (with independent laboratory gas and liquid analysis for performance and permitting) at our full scale, continuous flow PERSES test facility in San Diego, CA. Customers purchasing PERSES are also offered installation, operations and training support, and comprehensive aftermarket support including spare parts.
PERSES waste destruction systems with high throughput are available for fixed site installations. In addition, modular, mobile PERSES systems are available for rapid-set-up to support on-site contamination processing operations at: