Laser Weapon Systems
General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) is transforming innovative concepts into breakthrough electric weapon systems and surveillance systems to support the future warfighting force.
High Energy Laser (HEL) Weapon System
The advanced solid state HEL weapon system provides proven laser technologies to enable the detection and defeat of an expanding range of targets, including unmanned aerial systems (UAS), missile threats, ISR systems, rockets, artillery, and mortars. The HEL's modular and scalable nature allows simple power scaling to increase the total laser output power. The system's large optical aperture and efficient cooling offers significant reductions in size and weight to suit air, land and sea-based platforms.
- 25 kW-class laser scalable to 300 kW and larger
- Pulsed and continuous wave systems
- Proven technology for high energy solid state laser systems
- Designed for all warfighting environments
- Extended target engagement ranges


Adaptive Optics
When a laser beam is propagated a long distance through the atmosphere, it becomes distorted. For high energy laser weapons, this reduces the effective kill range of the weapon. Backed with cutting edge advancements in Adaptive Optics technology, GA-EMS mitigates these distortions making the HEL a more effective end-to-end weapon system.
- HEL beam quality enhancement and atmospheric turbulence mitigation
- Phased array beam control and distributed aperture tracking
- Coherent imaging for target identification and characterization
- Optical weather modeling and forecasting