Demilitarization - Cryofracture

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) has combined its experience in robotic engineering, process control technology, explosive safety, and cryogenics to develop and field unique cryofracture systems that safely and efficiently dispose of conventional munitions and complex chemical munitions.

GA-EMS' cryofracture process has been successfully used to destroy over one million munitions at U.S. Army sites across the country.  Today, GA-EMS is the only single source provider of cryofracture systems that offer a cost effective and environmentally sound alternative to traditional incineration systems and hazardous open pit munitions destruction.

GA-EMS' transportable and fixed cryofracture systems offer high throughput with no pre-processing requirements, helping reduce per ton disposal costs.  Automated conveyor systems and remotely controlled robotics can help reduce staffing requirements and improve personnel safety.   Complete, transportable cryofracture systems provide the mobility needed to support multiple munition storage sites and remote locations where permanent installations are impractical. 

GA-EMS' cryofracture systems have proven to be particularly well suited for the destruction of large quantities of medium size munitions such as:

  • ADAM AP, M16 and M56 AT/AV Mines
  • Rockeye II Anti-tank Bomblets (MK 118)
  • ICMs (M42, M46, M77, M80)
  • Fuzes
  • Bursters
  • Hand Grenades (M69, M67, M61, M26)
  • Cluster Bomb Munitions (BLU 63/B, BLU 86/B, BLU 61 A/B, BLU 91/B, BLU 92B, BLU 97/B)
  • Destructors (M10, M4, MK24)
  • 40 mm Rounds (M406, M433)

Large Size Munitions:

  • 8 Inch, 155mm and 105mm Projectiles
  • M23 Landmines, M55 Rockets (115mm) and 4.2 Inch Mortars
BLU 61A/B (CBU 51B/B) post cryofracture processing
BLU 61A/B (CBU 51B/B) post cryofracture processing
40mm HEPD grenade post cryofracture processing
40mm HEPD grenade post cryofracture processing

Integrated Demil Solutions

GA-EMS also provides equipment to support integrated demilitarization operations, including download equipment, thermal treatment systems, and the PERSES waste destruction system using iSCWO technology for energetic destruction. Assistance is also available for environmental permitting, site plot plan development, explosive boundary analysis, and Hazardous Operability (HAZOP) studies for the demilitarization process. Contact us for additional information regarding equipment and services to support integrated demilitarization operations.

Cryofracture - How it Works

GA-EMS' cryofracture process utilizes liquid nitrogen to cool munition bodies to below the embrittlement temperature. No pre-processing or disassembly of the munition is required. Cooled bodies are then fractured in a hydraulic press, accessing the energetics and rendering them safe for thermal destruction. The remaining metal debris is discharged for safe disposal or recycling.