CrimeCam Examiner+
Forensic Camera and Lighting Kit for Evidence Detection, Viewing and Photography

The CrimeCam Examiner+ is an all-in-one forensic camera and lighting system for crime scene investigation and evidence detection and gathering. The CrimeCam Examiner+ ‘s unique Ring Light provides
- 24 UV 395nm LEDs
- 24 Blue 470nm LEDs
- 16 Bright White LEDs
for “hands-free” illumination, eliminating the need for photographers to manually hold lights or mount additional forensic light sources. CrimeCam Examiner+ is designed for 360° shadow-free lighting to view and capture images of forensic evidence, including biologic, treated fingerprints, fiber, trace, bruising, and bite marks.
CrimeCam Examiner+ Kit Features
- 24 UV 395nm LEDs
- 24 Blue 470nm LEDs
- 16 Bright White LEDs
- LEDs can operate in continuous ON mode
- Flash selection: left half, right half, all
- Seven levels of digitally-controlled LED intensity
- ON/OFF power button for manual operation
- Camera hot-shoe controlled LED flash
- LCD mode and battery charge indicators
- Back-lit LCD control panel
- Back light power saver dims after 15 seconds
- Auto-off function after 15 minutes of inactivity

- Canon EOS Rebel T6 DSLR camera with 18-55mm lens
- 8GB memory card
- 18 megapixel, 3x optical zoom
- Full 1920 x 1080 HD video resolution
The CrimeCam Examiner+ Ring Light is available separately and can be easily attached to most Nikon and Canon cameras
General Inquiries and Sales
Our mission is to consistently deliver the best service experience to our customers. We pride ourselves on providing timely, responsive service to help insure customer satisfaction.
Contact us to discuss your particular requirements.
GA-EMS Email:
GA-EMS Tel: +1(858) 964-6823
Derek Hardy
Tel: +1(800) 953-3274