San Diego, CA, 23 February 2016 - General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) announced today the company has been awarded multiple contracts to deliver Radiation Monitoring Systems (RMS) to support the U.S. nuclear power plants required to conform to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Order EA-13-109, which calls for the installation of reliable radiation monitors and Hardened Containment Vent Systems (HCVS) at plants with Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) with Mark I and II containments per post-Fukushima Daiichi safety recommendations.
"We are extremely proud to have our RMS products selected by over one-half of all the operating BWR plants with Mark I and II designs undergoing HCVS upgrades in the U.S. today," stated Dr. Vivek Lall, Vice President, Global Commercial Strategic Development at GA-EMS. "As new plants come on line, and as existing plants are being tasked for service life beyond 40 years, customers demand highly reliable systems that meet the requirements for extended operating lifecycles. Our reputation for unequaled product quality, reliability, and customer support has been the determining factor in customers continuing to select GA-EMS not only to help implement mandates such as EA-13-109, but to provide new product designs to suit changing plant requirements."
There are currently 27 U.S. BWRs which require the HCVS modification. To date, GA-EMS has received RMS orders for installation in 18 units in plants across the U.S. GA-EMS is also working with plant operators internationally to evaluate RMS requirements for facilities looking to install a HCVS in effort to align themselves with the U.S. NRC safety guidelines.
The NRC Order is a direct result of lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011. The installation of the HCVS and radiation monitoring systems at facilities with BWR Mark I and II containment designs provides plant operators with the ability to open vents, release pressure, and monitor radioactivity to prevent and mitigate core damage and containment failure. The HCVS and radiation monitoring systems are a prime example of the industry's dedication to safety, as these systems offer additional critical capabilities during emergency conditions for operators to minimize danger and protect public health and safety.
About General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems
GA's Electromagnetic Systems Group is a global leader in the research, design, and manufacture of first-of-a-kind electromagnetic and electric power generation systems. The company's 60 year history of research, development and technology innovation has led to an expanding portfolio of specialized products and integrated system solutions supporting aviation, missile defense, power and energy, and processing and monitoring applications for critical defense, industrial, and commercial customers worldwide.
For further information contact:
Meghan Ehlke
Strategic Communications Manager
(858) 964-7058
Doug Fouquet
General Atomics Public Relations
(858) 455-2173