GA-ASI RPA Training Academy Augmented With Simulator, Instructors

Collaboration Supports Industrial Opportunities for North Dakota Workforce

SAN DIEGO – 25 May 2016 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), a leading manufacturer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mission systems solutions, today announced two contracts in support of GA-ASI's new RPA Training Academy in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

GA-ASI will collaborate with the UND Aerospace Foundation located at the University of North Dakota (UND) to support UND Aerospace in expanding the use of RPA for commercial applications. This collaboration is expected to create high-technology jobs and establish North Dakota as a leader in the RPA industry. As part of this collaboration, GA-ASI also will expand its current worldwide partnership with CAE, a global leader in the delivery of training for the defense and civil aviation markets.

 "GA-ASI is pleased to align with UND Aerospace and CAE to augment our RPA Training Academy's curriculum with comprehensive training solutions for our international and domestic customers," said Linden Blue, CEO, GA-ASI. "We look forward to working with UND Aerospace and CAE to meet the growing global demand for RPA instruction."

UND Aerospace will provide its existing Predator Mission Aircrew Training System (PMATS), a flight simulator that accurately reproduces Predator® and Reaper® pilot and sensor operator aircrew stations, allowing students to master the art of flying and operating a GA-ASI RPA system. In March 2011, UND Aerospace became the first non-military educational institution in the U.S. to provide initial qualification and continuation training simulation support for operators of Predator and Reaper aircraft. In addition to offering simulation capabilities, UND Aerospace will support the Training Academy with additional facilities, and instructors.

Adding to the collaboration with UND Aerospace, CAE will grow its existing partnership with GA-ASI through simulator development efforts and by contributing a portion of the Academy's instructor cadre. CAE plans to leverage its experience and expertise in providing the U.S. Air Force with MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper classroom, simulator, and live flying instruction. CAE was recently contracted to develop a Predator Mission Simulation Trainer that will be delivered to the Italian Air Force in 2017, enabling the service to conduct training for its Predator and MQ-9 pilots and sensor operators. The high-fidelity Predator Trainer will allow rapid transition to flight operations without further training on the actual aircraft.
The mission of the GA-ASI RPA Training Academy is to provide safe, effective, and cutting-edge flight training for aircrew operating the company's aircraft. As an additional benefit, the Training Academy will potentially serve to augment U.S. Air Force and other customer training programs as well. Training for GA-ASI aircrew begins this summer, followed by international customer training in the fall. 

The Academy is co-located with Grand Forks Air Force Base, which also serves as the base of operations for U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection Predator B aircraft.

High-resolution photos of Predator A, Predator B, and PMATS, as well as artistic renderings of the GA-ASI RPA Training Academy, are available to qualified media outlets from the GA-ASI media contact listed below.

About GA-ASI

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., an affiliate of General Atomics, delivers situational awareness by providing remotely piloted aircraft systems, radar, and electro-optic and related mission systems solutions for military and commercial applications worldwide. The company's Aircraft Systems business unit is a leading designer and manufacturer of proven, reliable RPA systems, including Predator A, Predator B/MQ-9 Reaper, Gray Eagle, the new Predator C Avenger®, and Predator XP. It also manufactures a variety of state-of-the-art digital Ground Control Stations (GCS), including the next-generation Advanced Cockpit GCS, and provides pilot training and support services for RPA field operations. The Mission Systems business unit designs, manufactures, and integrates the Lynx® Multi-mode Radar and sophisticated Claw® sensor control and image analysis software into both manned and remotely piloted aircraft. It also focuses on providing integrated sensor payloads and software for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft platforms and develops high energy lasers, electro-optic sensors, and meta-material antennas. For more information, please visit

Predator, Reaper, Avenger, Lynx, and Claw are registered trademarks of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.

For more information contact:

Kimberly Kasitz
Public Relations Manager
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.

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