GA-ASI Releases New TacSit-C2 for Payload Command and Control

GA-ASI Releases New TacSit-C2 for Payload Command and Control

New Product Builds on Extensive Experience in Controlling UAS Payloads; Part of GA’s Quadratix Software Enterprise

SAN DIEGO – 19 March 2025 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has released its latest evolution of the company’s payload command and control (C2), and tactical situational awareness software called TacSit-C2®. The new version builds on GA-ASI’s more than 25 years of experience in developing and deploying C2 for various payloads that are integrated onto GA-ASI’s world-leading Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). TacSit-C2 is part of General Atomics’ Quadratix software enterprise.

TacSit-C2 provides tactical situational awareness so that UAS operators can plan and execute missions. Operators will use TacSit-C2 to view all sensor data concurrently, allowing them to cross-cue payload capabilities. GA-ASI’s development team of experienced payload C2 veterans used intuitive user experience (UX) to simplify payload operations. The new version of TacSit-C2 is expected to be fielded before the end of the year.

“As part of the Quadratix set of software solutions, TacSit-C2 seamlessly integrates Multiple Intelligence Signal Processing (Multi-INT) C2 into a single application that includes radar, Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), Communications Intelligence (COMINT), and Electro-optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors,” said Darren Moe, GA-ASI senior director for Automation, Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence. “We anticipate that implementation of TacSit-C2 will significantly reduce manpower requirements.”

TacSit-C2 features GA-ASI’s Multi-Mission Controller (MMC), which enables one user to control multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles at the same time.

TacSit-C2 is scalable, easily accommodating the addition or removal of workstations depending on the mission. The system runs on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computer hardware from a laptop to a server. TacSit-C2’s Software Development Kit (SDK) empowers third parties to add additional capabilities such as new payloads.

About GA-ASI

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. is the world’s foremost builder of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Logging more than 8 million flight hours, the Predator® line of UAS has flown for over 30 years and includes MQ-9A Reaper®, MQ-1C Gray Eagle® 25M, MQ-20 Avenger®, and MQ-9B SkyGuardian®/SeaGuardian®. The company is dedicated to providing long-endurance, multi-mission solutions that deliver persistent situational awareness and rapid strike.

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