Fusion is the process the powers the stars. It occurs when two light atoms combine to form a new one, releasing vast amounts of energy. Researchers can achieve fusion using a ‘tokamak,’ which uses magnets, pressure, and heat to create a fusion plasma. When commercialized, a fusion power plant would provide sustainable carbon-free energy, without any emissions, long-lasting waste, or risk of meltdown.
To create a cost-effective, self-sustaining fusion system, GA is drawing from its decades of experience in computational science, plasma theory, tokamak design and operation, and advanced materials engineering. With expertise in at-scale manufacturing and established relationships across industry and government, General Atomics is joining with leading institutions around the world to pursue the most rapid, economically practical path to fusion energy.
Whether it is industry or academia, national laboratories, regulatory agencies, government leaders or advocates for environmental justice, GA is actively engaging with fusion energy stakeholders to ensure every voice is heard as the energy source of the future is developed.